

How Can You Prepare Your Retirement Savings Plan for a New Year?

Learn How to Wrap Up the Loose Ends of Your Retirement Savings Plan for the New Year.

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Why Should I Use Company Time to Provide Financial Education?

Learn About the Benefits of Providing Employee Financial Education on Company Time

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Changes to Retirement Savings Plan Contributions for 2024

It is that time of year again. The IRS has made updates to the contributions for 401(k) retirement savings plans.

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Common Mistakes to Avoid as a Retirement Plan Sponsor

Learn About the Common Mistakes Retirement Plan Sponsors Can Make and How to Avoid Them

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Retirement Saving Plan Changes for 2024

Learn About the Investment Changes for Retirement Savings in 2024

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Why You Cannot Assume One Size Fits All for Retirement Planning Options

Learn Why Businesses Must Offer Several Options for Retirement Savings Planning.

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What Is an Employer-Sponsored Retirement Savings Plan?

Learn About Employer Sponsored Retirement Savings Plans and How They Work

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Is It Time to Leave Your SIMPLE IRA for a 401(k)?

Learn More About the Benefits of a 401(k) Over a SIMPLE IRA

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Planning for Retirement without Pension Options

In the past 40 years, companies have moved away from offering Pension Plans to employees. Pension Plans are often costly to fund in the beginning years and ongoing if the investments are not successful. In today's economic climate, companies cannot afford to pay employees, help cover health care costs, and offer a pension plan for retirement.

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What Is the True Cost of Your Retirement Savings Plan?

The benefits of offering a retirement savings plan to your employees in unmatched. It helps attract and retain quality talent to work within your organization. Of course, there is a cost associated with offering such benefits to your employees. While fees are standard when dealing with retirement plans, you should know what the fees pay for and how you may be able to save on these fees with your retirement plan.

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Why Should You Review Your Retirement Savings Plan?

Your retirement savings plan should be fluid. It should be able to be changed as needed, depending on your needs, your circumstances, and the economy. However, it cannot be fluid if you do not review it regularly.

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How Can You Save for Retirement in a 2023 Recession?

It is no secret that the US economy is not doing well. Economists are saying 2023 is not looking promising for financial success. As a matter of fact, the Conference Board predicts a 96% chance of the economy moving into a recession in 2023, while the National Association for Business Economics predicts a 50% chance of a recession. What can you do to save for retirement in this economy?

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What Are Your Responsibilities of Being a Retirement Plan Sponsor?

You have made a wonderful investment in your company and its employees. You have decided to start a company sponsored 401(k) plan for your employees to help them save for retirement. What does that mean for you? What are your responsibilities as the retirement plan sponsor?Read on to learn more about what it means to be a retirement plan sponsor for your business.

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Is You Retirement Plan Helping You Retain Valuable Employees?

If you have read or seen the news lately, you know that this country is in an employee's market. In other words, There are more opportunities for employees than people looking for opportunities to work. Therefore, employers must compete for quality talent. They must offer salaries and benefits that allow them to both obtain and retain valuable and talented employees for their business.

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Why Should You Not Depend on Social Security for Your Retirement?

For decades, people have thought Social Security benefits will be a focal point for their retirement savings plan. However, as inflation continues, social security remains stagnant (or close to stagnant). Worse yet, what may seem like a viable addition to your retirement savings plan today may be a much smaller pool. What is the future of Social Security?

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How Can You Save for Retirement If You Are Self-Employed?

We talk a lot about retirement savings [401k] plans for employees. We offer ideas for employers (Plan Sponsors regarding offering the best retirement savings plans for their employees. However, what can you do to save for retirement if you are self-employed?

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Are You a Great 401(k) Plan?

The secret is out – or is it? The secret is no two 401(k) plans are the same. While they all serve a common purpose to help you save for retirement, they do not all provide the same benefits.

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Read Up on Retirement Savings Planning

We talk a lot about retirement savings planning. However, sometimes we need to hear someone else talk about the benefits of retirement savings planning, how to determine the best options for retirement savings planning, and why retirement savings accounts for your business and your personal retirement are so important.This blog is not about me telling you about what you need to do to save for retirement.

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How Can Annuities be Part of Your Retirement Planning Strategy

Retirement Planning StrategyWell-rounded retirement planning should include more than stocks, bonds, and investments. In many cases, insurance can also play a part in an employee’s retirement planning. One major way insurance can add value to an employer sponsored retirement plan is through an annuity. Annuities are products that provide a fixed income stream to individuals in their retirement savings planning.

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How Taxes Impact Your Retirement-Income Strategy

Retirees face several unique challenges when managing their income, particularly when it comes to taxes. From understanding how taxes relate to Social Security and Medicare to determining when to tap taxable and tax-advantaged accounts, individuals must juggle a complicated mix of factors.

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Retiring in a Down Market?

Don’t Panic. Market volatility makes most investors nervous, but a big downturn can be especially disturbing to those who are approaching retirement or newly retired. This article presents three fundamental concepts that may help investors keep market movements in perspective and maintain their focus on long-term goals.

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The Real Winners of the New SECURE 2.0 Legislation

The new SECURE 2.0 legislation is a game changer for retirement savings planning. However, there are clear benefactors to the legislation. Who benefits the most from this new legislation? How does it help these employers and individuals?

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Top 5 Tax Reasons to Start a 401(k)

Taxes seem like a bad word. We all dread tax season and hope the IRS is kind to us every year. There are many ways to help reduce your tax bill. Read on to learn the top 5 tax reasons you should start a 401(k).

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Tips for Managing Your Retirement Plan

If you are not already familiar with employer-sponsored retirement plans, you should be. These plans allow employees to save money in a tax-deferred account. Then when the employee accesses the plan upon retirement, they typically only pay regular income tax on the withdrawal. Furthermore, by putting pre-taxed money into the plan, employees get to reduce their taxable income.

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SECURE Act 2.0 – the New Retirement Planning Legislation for 2023

The SECURE Act 2.0 forces employers to examine their retirement plan benefits for employees and to ensure these plans are in the best interest of their employees. Read on to learn more about the SECURE Act 2.0 and what that may mean for your business retirement plan benefits.

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Why Would Your Birthday Affect Your Retirement Plan?

As you age, every birthday matters. However, in the world of retirement planning, certain birthdays should be unforgettable. Retirement planning is as much about money as it is about age. At a certain age, you can access money in your retirement plan accounts without penalties. At a certain age, you may actually retire, and the IRS will allow you to live your life penalty-free.

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Does It Cost Employers A Lot of Money to Start a 401(K) Plan?

Attention Plan Sponsors: Does It Cost Employers A Lot of Money to Start a 401(K) Plan? As an employer, you are likely looking for cost effective ways to attract stellar employees. This economy makes every expense something to scrutinize. However, with issues such as the “Great Resignation,” “Quiet Quitting,” and the overall employee shortage plaguing all industries, you must listen to what employees say they want and then give them these benefits.

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Why Do You Need to Review Your Retirement Plan Options?

Attention Plan Sponsors: Why Do You Need to Review Your Retirement Plan Options? When you begin to offer retirement savings plans to your employees, you often choose a financial advisor that you know and trust. However, as your business grows and the years go on, the market changes, and new products become available.

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Is a SIMPLE Retirement Plan Right for My Employees?

Attention Plan Sponsors: Is a SIMPLE Retirement Plan Right for My Employees? Learn About the Benefits of a SIMPLE Retirement Plan Retirement Plan and Why It May Be the Right Option for Your Employee Benefits There are many types of retirement savings plans. Truthfully, they all serve a valuable benefit and are key to attracting employees to work with your company. However, when it comes to small business options, some retirement savings plans are better than others.

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What Is the Desired Effect of Offering Employees a Retirement Savings Plan?

Attention Plan Sponsors: What Is the Desired Effect of Offering Employees a Retirement Savings Plan? Business owners may be told they must offer their employees some type of retirement savings plan. And new laws do require certain employees to offer some type of retirement savings plan to their employees. However, not all retirement savings plans are built the same. Therefore, the type of plan you choose makes a significant difference. Why Should You Offer an Employee Retirement Savings Plan?

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My Employee Left the Company – What Should They Do with Their 401(k) Plan?

Attention Plan Sponsors: My Employee Left the Company – What Should They Do with Their 401(k) Plan? How to Help Your Employees Rollover Their 401(k) Plan without Disrupting Your Bottom Line As an employer, you make it a point to provide benefits to your employees. These benefits often include a retirement plan, such as a 401(k) plan. The goal is that these types of benefits keep employees motivated to work with your company for years to come.

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